The 16 Archies Sales Sins

Don’t laugh…These are the unforgivable ‘Archies Sales Sins’ haha! These are the things that you do NOT want to do if you want to give your customers the best possible experience through the interaction and maximise sales in your practice or store .

  1. If a patient / customer comes into your practice or store wearing thongs, failing to educate them about issues with the design of typical flat thongs and not explaining how Archies Thongs addresses these issues. 
  1. Failing to educate the customer as to why a tight strap is important and not letting them know that it will stretch and mould to their feet and if it is just too tight, not stretching the strap then and there for them.  
  1. If the customer says that they don’t like wearing thongs and you do not ask why and then educate them about how Archies Thongs addresses these issues (providing it does actually do this of course).  
  1. Not matching and tailoring the strap to the shape of the person foot (the straps can vary in their tightness and with practice it’s easy to pick which thongs have a tight or looser strap. Further to this, the straps can easily be stretched).  
  1. Crossing your arms in the Archies Thongs sales arena.  
  1. Not picking up that the person has their arms crossed and continuing your sales process without handing them a thong to hold to get them in a more ‘open’ and receptive position.  
  1. If negative body language persists in a customer, not asking appropriate questions, failing to provide further information or options to solve their apprehension to get them in a more ‘open’ and receptive position.  
  1. If the person tries on the wrong size and you do not instantly get them out of that size and get them into the correct size.  
  1. If there is a group of people in the sales arena, not at least trying to get everyone in the sales arena to see what they feel like.  
  1. If there was a group of people looking at the thongs and one of the persons that was looking was not interested in the thongs (often sitting back with crossed arms) and they have a bunion or they clearly roll in at the feet, not educating them as to why Archies Thongs will likely be a better option for them than flat thongs.  
  1. Neglecting or not paying full attention to all of your customers.  
  1. Asking a customer if they would like to “try the thongs on” instead of “seeing what they feel like”.  
  1. Going on with your own opinion when the customer has clearly made their mind up.  
  1.  It’s great to be confident and definitive in your recommendations, but always remember our motto of making a friend before you make a sale and we are in it to help the person get an awesome thong, not just to get a sale! Provide the relevant education and give your recommendation always with the customers / patient’s best interest at heart.